K-Pop Girl

February 23, 2025
1.K-Pop Girl
Here's to the music and the girl! Love you, Em!
2.Metal Grinch
Christmas, Grinch and metal...what more could you ask for!
3.Cherio Mountebank
When the charlatan comes to town, welcome him and he'll never leave.
4.Farewell to a Friend
The White Golden has moved on...we will surely miss him!
5.Crab Roll
Crab canon (my version, anyway) with rondo...not the Japanese food!
6.Pin Pankler
Will Love conquer the demonic dream stealer? Listen and find out!
7.True Love
Whether it's Man, Woman or Machine, everyone needs love. Here's hoping you find yours!
8.Assorted Bouquet
Odds and ends gathered together to form something nice...in the eyes of the beholder, that is.

Recorded live at Krogi5 Studios starting in October, 2020; completed September, 2021

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