
Southern Highbush Blueberries were specifically hybridized for superior fruit, soil adaptability, heat tolerance and low winter chilling. This makes them particularly suitable for coastal areas of California as well as the inland valley. All Southern Highbush Blueberries are self-pollinating, but the berries will be larger and more productive if two varieties are planted together. Full sun to half day sun in hot areas. Late spring to summer fruiting. Blueberries prefer rich acidic soil and even moisture. If acidic conditions can not be obtained in your soil, try growing Blueberries in a 16 to 20” container. A recommended mix is: One third – ¼” Pathway Bark, One third – Peat moss, One third – forest by-product Potting soil, 1 handful Soil Sulfur.

The following varieties will be available in containers throughout the year. Check for current availability.

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